Assalam-u-alaikum The place where I work, a Muslim brother(far away from Islam) is dating a sikh girl. When they started going out(2 years ago), he told her that she will eventually have to convert to Islam before getting married and she agreed. Because she works with me too, I talked to her about it and she said she will convert but only verbally and she’ll continue to believe what she believes now in her heart. Will this nikah be valid(because she will continue to be a sikh women from heart)? She also does not want to go through the nikah process and might ask her boyfriend for a dual wedding as suggested by a fellow Christian worker. I want to go explain this brother about this but wanted to find if the nikah will be valid first. jazakallah
Accepting Islam is from the heart, not only verbally. Islam is a Divine
religion with a set of values and principles.
Verbally accepting Islam to legalise the Nikah will not be valid. The Sikh
girl must renounce her beliefs and accept Islam before performing the Nikah.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai