In America living separate can be very expensive. What kind of hijab a woman can do, if she is living with her in-laws(brother in law etc).Do she have to d regular hijab all day long ? Can you please all mention what other things should we be carefull if its a joint family system,You know in India / Pakistan it happen a lot. Jazak allah. As Salaam Aliekum
If circumstances force a woman to live in the same house with her brother-in-law, or any other Ghayr Mahram, then too she has to observe Hijaab for him. This Hijaab is compulsory at all times.
It is best that, within this home, an area be demarcated where no one will enter without your permission. You are then free to move about in this area without Hijaab. This requires the respect and co-operation of all members of the household. It is best that all males eat in one room, and all females in another. The kitchen should be reserved for females only. If there is a good understanding and mutual respect, then it is not difficult to implement a system of Hijaab within a joint family system.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai