1- Chat through text, without exchange of pictures & voice, that is just by exchange of text , is it acceptable in Islam to share your views on different topics with the person of opposite sex without mentioning who you are? 2- Are these 6 fasts sunnat, and secondly is it only for the people who have missed thier fasts in Ramzan or anyone can fast these 6 fasts?
1. It is not permissible for a female to chat with a male on the internet to merely express one’s views even if she intends to be modest in doing so. We are aware of many such modest people who were led to being immodest in chatting with the opposite gender.
2. The six fasts of Shawwal are not mandatory. They are Sunnah and encouraged by Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam). The reward of keeping the six fasts is equivalent to fasting for a whole year. The keeping of these fasts are not restricted to people who missed their compulsory fasts in Ramadhaan.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai