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Equality between wives

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

I have two wives. The first one is a house wife. I have my 4 children from my 1st wife. My 2nd wife do the job for her 4 children, which she have from her first husband, who has been died. Both of the wives live in separate houses. The parents of my 1st wife live in another city, while the parents of my 2nd wife live nearby in the same city.

I have bout a personal car almost 7 years ago from my 2nd marriage. When my company given a car to me as a benefit, I have given my personal car to my 1st wife for usage. This all occurred before my 2nd marriage. Currently my personal car is in use of 1st wife which she use for taking grocery items from nearby market and sometimes to take children from school. Sometimes I and my 2nd wife too use my personal car when the company given car went on repairs.

My 2nd wife demands that as you have given the car to your 1st wife, also give a car to me. Though it was with my 1st wife even before the 2nd marriage. My question is whether it is obligatory to do justice in the things which has been given to the 1st wife before 2nd marriage. It can be a performance of Umra or a house hold item or a travelling?


In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

In principle, equality between the wives is in sustenance, clothing and accommodation[i]. However, you should endeavor to keep both wives happy.

You are obliged to maintain equality between the wives from the time you remarried. You do not have to make up with your second wife for what you gave the first wife prior to marrying the second. The first wife received the car by virtue of marriage. At that time, the second wife was not your wife.

And Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Muajul I. Chowdhury

Student, Darul Iftaa

Astoria, New York, USA

Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.


[i]  المبسوط للسرخسي (5/ 217)

إذَا كَانَ لِلرَّجُلِ الْحُرِّ، أَوْ الْمَمْلُوكِ امْرَأَتَانِ حُرَّتَانِ، فَإِنَّهُ يَكُونُ عِنْدَ كُلِّ وَاحِدَةٍ مِنْهُمَا يَوْمًا وَلَيْلَةً وَإِنْ شَاءَ أَنْ يَجْعَلَ لِكُلِّ وَاحِدَةٍ مِنْهُمَا ثَلَاثَةَ أَيَّامٍ فَعَلَ؛ لِأَنَّ الْمُسْتَحَقَّ عَلَيْهِ التَّسْوِيَةُ، فَأَمَّا فِي مِقْدَارِ الدَّوْرِ فَالِاخْتِيَارُ إلَيْهِ، وَهَذِهِ التَّسْوِيَةُ فِي الْبَيْتُوتَةِ عِنْدَهَا لِلصُّحْبَةِ وَالْمُؤَانَسَةِ لَا فِي الْمُجَامَعَةِ؛ لِأَنَّ ذَلِكَ يَنْبَنِي عَلَى النَّشَاطِ وَلَا يُقْدَرُ عَلَى اعْتِبَارِ الْمُسَاوَاةِ فِيهِ، فَهُوَ نَظِيرُ الْمَحَبَّةِ فِي الْقَلْبِ


 بدائع الصنائع في ترتيب الشرائع (6/ 166)

فإن كان له أكثر من امرأة ، فعليه العدل بينهن في حقوقهن من القسم والنفقة والكسوة ، وهو التسوية بينهن في ذلك حتى لو كانت تحته امرأتان حرتان أو أمتان يجب عليه أن يعدل بينهما في المأكول والمشروب والملبوس والسكنى والبيتوتة.


رد المحتار (10/ 341)

( قَوْلُهُ وَفِي الْمَلْبُوسِ وَالْمَأْكُولِ ) أَيْ وَالسُّكْنَى ، وَلَوْ عَبَّرَ بِالنَّفَقَةِ لَشَمِلَ الْكُلَّ


البحر الرائق شرح كنز الدقائق (3/ 234)

وفي الْبَدَائِعِ يَجِبُ عليه التَّسْوِيَةُ بين الْحُرَّتَيْنِ أو الْأَمَتَيْنِ في الْمَأْكُولِ وَالْمَشْرُوبِ وَالْمَلْبُوسِ والسكني وَالْبَيْتُوتَةِ


الفتاوى الهندية (11/ 379)

وَالنَّفَقَةُ الْوَاجِبَةُ الْمَأْكُولُ وَالْمَلْبُوسُ وَالسُّكْنَى


اللباب في شرح الكتاب (1/ 261)

(وإذا كان لرجل امرأتان حرتان) أو أمتان (فعليه أن يعدل بينهما في القسم) في البيتوتة والملبوس والمأكول والصحبة


الجوهرة النيرة (4/ 78)

قَوْلُهُ وَإِذَا كَانَ لِلرَّجُلِ امْرَأَتَانِ حُرَّتَانِ فَعَلَيْهِ أَنْ يَعْدِلَ بَيْنَهُمَا فِي الْقَسْمِ بِكْرَيْنِ كَانَتَا أَوْ ثِيبَتَيْنِ أَوْ إحْدَاهُمَا بِكْرًا وَالْأُخْرَى ثَيِّبًا ) أَوْ كَانَتْ إحْدَاهُمَا حَدِيثَةً وَالْأُخْرَى قَدِيمَةً وَسَوَاءٌ كُنَّ مُسْلِمَاتٍ أَوْ كِتَابِيَّاتٍ أَوْ إحْدَاهُمَا مُسْلِمَةً وَالْأُخْرَى كِتَابِيَّةً فَإِنَّهُ يَنْبَغِي أَنْ يَعْدِلَ بَيْنَهُمَا فِي الْمَأْكُولِ وَالْمَشْرُوبِ وَالْمَلْبُوسِ


الأصل للشيباني (10/ 358)

باب القسمة بين النساء قال: وإذا كان للرجل امرأتان حرتان مسلمتان فإنه يكون لكل واحدة منهما يوم وليلة. وإن شاء أن يجعل لكل واحدة منهما ثلاثة أيام فعل بلغنا عن النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم -أنه قال لأم سلمة حين دخل بها: “إن شئتِ سَبَّعْتُ لكِ وسَبَّعْتُ لهن”

This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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