As As Salam Alaykom wa Rahmato Allah wa Barakatoh, I am an A Level student, and the confidential instructions that schools receive to prepare apparatus and chemicals needed by us candidates for practical exams are already released. It’s strictly mentioned on them that students shouldn’t know these instructions directly or indirectly. Honestly, our Physics teacher has already disclosed to us the things in the instructions for Physics, and said that she will search for experiments that use these apparatus for us to train on them, though no one can say for sure what will the actual experiment be. Is that considered haram? Also, I attend private Chemistry tuitions with a teacher who wants to get hold of these instructions from the school she used to work in, but they demanded that all her tuition students who are sitting this exam should pay the school and attend two practical classes there for exchange of the instructions.
This teacher wants the instructions to ‘predict’ the experiments that can come using the chemicals specified, and will then make us practice these versions of the exam she makes. I was wondering if it is wrong to pay them and practice with her? And is it ok if I attend the Physics classes that out Physics will make to get us to practice using the specified instruments? Jazakom Allah Khayran for your patience with my long message.Salam Alaykom wa Rahmato Allah wa Barakatoh, I am an A Level student, and the confidential instructions that schools receive to prepare apparatus and chemicals needed by us candidates for practical exams are already released. It’s strictly mentioned on them that students shouldn’t know these instructions directly or indirectly. Honestly, our Physics teacher has already disclosed to us the things in the instructions for Physics, and said that she will search for experiments that use these apparatus for us to train on them, though no one can say for sure what will the actual experiment be. Is that considered haram? Also, I attend private Chemistry tuitions with a teacher who wants to get hold of these instructions from the school she used to work in, but they demanded that all her tuition students who are sitting this exam should pay the school and attend two practical classes there for exchange of the instructions. This teacher wants the instructions to ‘predict’ the experiments that can come using the chemicals specified, and will then make us practice these versions of the exam she makes. I was wondering if it is wrong to pay them and practice with her? And is it ok if I attend the Physics classes that out Physics will make to get us to practice using the specified instruments? Jazakom Allah Khayran for your patience with my long message.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
As someone who has studied A-level Chemistry and A-level Physics, it is my understanding that in the build-up to the main experiment, the tutor generally practices experiments with the students so that the students have some idea of what the experiment could be and how to carry it out. The tutor does not disclose any significant details of the experiment, and in most cases, does not know what the actual experiment shall be.
Also, there is a written exam that takes place after the experiment. It is very difficult for the tutor to reveal the answers to the written exam.
Considering that your tutor has not revealed any of the answers to the exam questions, it is permissible for you to continue with the experiment.[1]
In any case, if you have doubts, you may stay away from the practicals.[2]
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Muadh Chati
Student Darul Iftaa
Blackburn, England, UK
Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.
[1] ولا معتبر بأكبر الرأي عند وجود الدليل
الهداية شرح بداية المبتدي للمرغيناني ت593ه (490/8) نسخة فتح القدير – المكتبة الحقانية
[2]ولهذا قالوا إذا دخل المسلم دار الحرب تاجرا بأمان لا ينبغي أن يغدر بهم لأن الغدر حرام فإن غدر بهم وأخذ منهم يصير ملكا محظورا لورود الإستيلاء على مال مباح إلا أنه حصل بسبب الغدر فيوجب خبثا فيؤمر بالتصدق….مال الحربي مباح في دار الحرب إذا أخذه المسلم بغير غدر فهو له حلال
مختارات النوازل (416) مكتبة الإرشاد