1. Are the zaidi shias muslims?
2. Is the usuli sect of the jafri muslims?
3. Was hazrat Ali ra born inside the kaba shareef?
4. Please explain the meaning of the first ayats of surah fath48. Some non muslims say that these verses mean that our beloved nabi salalhu alihi wasalam was a sinner nauzubilla.
5. Are wahabis and barelwis considered to be sunni or non sunni and can we pray behind them?
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh
2) & 1) Kindly inform us the Aqaid of the Zaidi Shias and the Usuli sect of Jafari muslims. Hereunder is the general difference between the Sunnis and Shias.
a) [Unbridgeable Divide] – http://www.alinaam.org.za/library/udivide.html
3) No.
4) The word used in the verse is Dhanb . This refers to comm
At times this was practically carried out and in doing so he had to comm
He held a very lofty pos
حسنات الابرار سيئات المقربين
The virtuous deeds of the Abraar(pious) are evils of the close ones
Accordingly, such acts have been interpreted as Dhanb. The word should be understood w
5) If the Wahabies and Barelwies have the same Aqeeda as Sunnies then obviously they will be sunnies.
And Allah knows best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In’aamiyyah