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What the conditions for considering a place a second home for kasar purposes?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Askimam.org

I was born and brought up in a city where my parents continue to live. I have moved to another city as a result of a company transfer. I go and visit my parents several times a year, and sometimes go there for a holiday. I have been advised that this city is my second home, so I should NOT read kasar when I am there. My questions are: What factors determine whether I should continue to read salaah in full or perform kasar? What happens when I travel from this city to another place within 88km from this city?


The place of birth and childhood is termed as Watan-e-Asliy and any place
you intend to stay in for 15 days or more is termed as Watan-e-Iqaamat. A
person will not make Qasr in his Watan-e-Asliy nor Watan-e-Iqaamat.

If your residence in the city of your work, though, is 15 days or longer,
then it will be your Watan-e-Iqaamat for that particular stay. However, if
you have taken up permanent residence there, the city will become your
Watan-e-Asliy and your parent’s city will no longer be your Watan-e-Asliy.
If you intend traveling to a destination 88 kms. or more away from either
the Watan-e-Iqaamat or Watan-e-Asliy, you will qualify for Qasr, otherwise

and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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This answer was collected from Askimam.org, which is operated under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa.

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