Assalamailekum My cousin wants to propose me, and there’s nothin wrong with him, Alhumdolillah hes a good muslim and smart and everything, but I have a feeling that my family is going to turn him down because of some family problems. Our family boycotted their family, but my mom is still cool with them but still I think she’s not going to let me go in the family because we will have too many problems. I really like this guy, and i know he’ll keep me happy. I keep praying to Allah taala but I want to know how I can convince my parents into saying yes. I dont want my parents to think anything bad of me because I’ve never done anything against them. Please help. Jazakallah
We suggest you discuss the importance of Mashwara (mutual consultation) and
Istikhaara (seeking Divine guidance) with your family including parents.
Should your cousin propose for you, you should advise your parents to make a
decision based on Mashwarah and Istikhaara.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
FATWA DEPT.Unanswered