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Monthly Archives: November 2019

Leasing a piece of land for a specific period at a fixed rate

Is cosmetic lip tattooing permissible?

Why are Shias allowed into Makkah?

0% interest in EMI

Tafseer of و علم ادم الاسماء

Can I Withdraw the Death Benefit?

Is it permissible to marry a woman whilst in a certain place with the intention to divorce her when one leaves that place?

If a friend gives me food because it’s his birthday, is it permissible to eat such food?

معوِّذ, How to pronounce this name?

What should I do if I take a Nazr to fast a specific day and then fail to do so?

Make-up query – Reviewed


Making Nikah with a revert woman who is still legally married to a Non-Muslim man

I’m trying to get married, but my parents take my money
