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Monthly Archives: November 2019

Hukm of Istishfā Bil Qur’ān

Different types of Shuhada

One talāq after being intimate but before rukhsati

What are the kid’s rights to the father’s second wife?

False Accusations in Islam

Islamic state in non-Muslim country

Women attending the masjid

Why are we forced into existence & what is the purpose of creation?

I am struggling with waswasa, what happens if I utter something that conflicts with the teachings of shariah?

Phone text of three divorce words

Is the gold in the electronics of a smartwatch considered?

Studying Accounting and working as a Chartered Accountant

Do I have to perform Sa’ee immediately after Tawaf?

Can you purchase a car on interest terms when there are no interest free finances avialable for cars?

Zuhayra and Azariyah, are they good Islamic names?