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Monthly Archives: August 2012

She doesn’t want to embrace Islam all through her life

1)What is the difference between a Molana, Molvi, Ulama and a Mufti? 2)Are there any other religious scholars which I haven’t stated if so please state

Can a muslim girl leave her family and live alone witout bieng married, due to her family abusing her?

Plzzz tell me any good dua to reconcile with my husband he is very mad at me and don’t trust me and want ti give me divorce, i love him too much and wanna live with him

Is it backbiting when journalists report honestly on the sins(crimes) of politicians ? Considering that they are fighting evil by exposing it to the voting populace.

I’m a non-Muslim truly in love with a Muslim boy and i want to convert,but my family is against my conversion. How can I convince my family

Is divorce an option because my husband ignores me 3 days out of 7

My husband attitude is not so good to me. He is very easy to get involved in other girls. Please tell me some Dua that my husband love me and respect me more and he do not get involved in other girls.

My husband have business problems? Actually after the SARS virus the business in all Hong Kong is affected, Please kindly tell me some Dua that his business improve?

Is any kind of family planning is allowed in islam?

Donor Embryo transplant or the second marriage? I am a 45 years old infertile woman.The chances of having a baby is almost zero

Under which conditions, according to shariya can a muslim marry A women from the people of the book ?

1)My friend was asking if it is permissible to let his wife dominate him.also,is use of sex toys like dildo on private parts of wife and husband permissible in islam?

Is it true that Nabi Sallalahu Aalaihiwasallam used to wear topi the whole day except during sleep ?

What is the correct Islamic Ruling on mechanical slaughter (for chickens, etc.)? Is it allowed? If not, why?