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Monthly Archives: August 2012

Is it Bidah to say Sadaqullaahul Azeem after reciting quran?

Chanting awliya name during dhikr is it permissible. Antum fooru deewa naflee (Gay lanee Gay lanee )Antum hayaati wakullee

U said that Hanafis cant club Maghrib and iSha prayers together if they are in a hurry or on a journey…refer bukhari hadiths Vol. 2 : No. 209

In Quran, Verse 3 of Surah An-Nisa, it says do not marry orphens if you cannot do justice to them but marry 2, 3, and 4 women. Please explaine this.

On Qiyamat people will be called by Mothers’ name or by father’s Name?

I have a sinus and i live in the cold part of US…fajar salaat i can hardly make (wadhu) ablusion I will have sneezings and then running nose… can i ma tayammum instead?

Should I go for hajj or help my parents pay off their debts when they continue to get more debt for luxuries?

Some questions about death, music, zakat, tv, marriage and salat. 1.What are the 3 questions asked by the angels when a muslim dies?

Is it haraam to shave the beard?if so send me hadiths that i camn refer back to please on the hadith database.my beard grows thin.dont know what to do

How I perform salat during travelling through bus, train or aeroplane from one city to another city at a distance more than 100 km.

1.if a person commits a sin and then he does taubah full heartedly but again he can’t resist and do the same sin again he does taubah so will his taubah be accepted

ASA,Is it allowed for my husband to have contact with his former wife or keep her as a friend?

On Monday night, I had a dream that a short pious man with beard is willing to marry me.Then I woke up.Actually I am still single, 35 years old & a disabled person. Please interpret for me.

1)What should I read to protect myself from grave punishments? 4)Can any one become a saint if so how?

After the imam says salam i stand up and recite surah fatiha do i need to recite a surah after fatiha