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Does crying for a deceased’s mistakes go against Quran’s “not burdening another’s soul”?

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Muftisays.com
Dear Shykh Aas Saalam Alai Kum,
My question is if a person dies and his relatives and near ones of his cry loudly for his demise then the dead person is given azab for their mistakes doesnt this hadith contradicts with the quranic ayat that no soul will burden the other persons soul.Pls clarify.regarding sawab also.

Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Al Jawaab Billahit-Tawfeeq

Respected brother/sister

It is true that the Hadeeth states to the effect that when a person dies, and those left behind cry loudly over his/her demise, then the deceased is punished.

Ulamaa have written that the deceased is punished only if they had instructed their family to cry upon their death. This may seem odd at present, but in the days of ignorance, people used to make an event out of mourning. There used to be people in the community whose profession was to go and cry loudly at funerals, just as you would have people who would go and sing at weddings. Islam put an end to this baseless custom and prohibitted Muslims from crying loudly as it portrays impatience and displeasure upon Allaah’s will.

And Allah knows best


A. Z. Pandor

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This answer was collected from MuftiSays.com, based in London (UK). It is one of the fruits of Darul Uloom London. Many ‘ulama are involved in answering the Q&A on the site, including: Shaikul Hadeeth Mufti Umar Farooq Sahib, Mufti Saifur Rahman Sahib, Mufti Abdullah Patel Sahib, Maulana Qamruz Zaman Sahib, Mufti Abu Bakr Karolia Sahib.

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