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Reciting The Second Jumu’ah Khutbah In The Tune Of Reciting Quraan

Answered as per Hanafi Fiqh by Darulifta Azaadville


I wanted to find out regarding the Jumu’ah khutbah the 2nd one some imaams recite it a tune like Reading Qur’aan is there any proof for it if their is could you please mention it and which is the preferred way to read it normally like the first khutbah or with a tune?


Both the first and the second Jumuah Khutbah should be recited normally, because Khutbah isتذكير   and وعظ (reminder and advice) which is generally not given in a melodious tone. Rasulullah too would give the Khutbah in this manner. He, Rasulullah  would recite the Khutbah in a high pitched voice. Khutbah is not merely recitation of the Qur’aan, rather it is advising as well as warning the people. 

In short, both the Khutbahs should be rendered in an earnest and loud-pitched voice as if the Khateeb is reminding and admonishing the audience about their duties towards their Creator.

Checked and Approved By:

Mufti Muhammed Saeed Motara Saheb D.B.

جمعہ کا خطبہ دینے کا مسنون طریقہ کیا ہے؟ حضورصلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کس طرح خطبہ دیتے تھے ؟ قرآن کی تلاوت کی طرح یا بلند آواز تقریر جس طرح بعض لوگ خطبہ کو تقریر کی شکل میں پڑھتے ہیں؟

الجواب حامدا ومصليا:

بلند آواز سے وعظ و تذکیر کے طریقہ پر خطبہ دیتے تھے۔ فقط۔(فتاوی محمودیہ 8/198 ط:فاروقیہ)

و من المستحب أن يرفع الخطيب صوته(البحر الرائق-باب الجمعة:ج2/ص259 رشيدية)

كذا في الفتاوى الهندية:ج1/ص147 رشيدية)

  عَنْ جَابِرِ بْنِ عَبْدِ اللهِ، قَالَ: كَانَ رَسُولُ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ ‌إِذَا ‌خَطَبَ ‌احْمَرَّتْ عَيْنَاهُ، وَعَلَا صَوْتُهُ، وَاشْتَدَّ غَضَبُهُ،(صحيح مسلم-باب-تخفيف الصلاة و الجمعة/رقم867/ج2/ص592)

This answer was collected from the official Ifta website of Darul Uloom Azaadville, South Africa. Most of the answers are checked and approved by Mufti Muhammed Saeed Motara Saheb D.B.

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