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Answers with Tag: Witr

Reading Missed Taraweeh After Witr

Wordings of the Witr Qunūt Supplication

Sunnah qiraat to be recited in witr salaah

Reciting dua-e-qunoot as a dua

Forgetting to recite qunoot in witr salaah

Skipping a few aayaat in qiraat

One or Three Rakaats Witr: What’s Required?

Saahib-e-tarteeb performing qadha salaah in sequence

Doubting whether one performed witr salaah

Pronouncing few words incorrectly in salaah

Reading specific surahs in witr salaah

Substitute for due-e-qunoot

Reciting an aayah incorrectly in salaah

Status of witr salaah

Performing witr salaah behind the Imaam in the Haram