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Answers with Tag: toilet paper

I have a strange type of urine problem. What should I do?

Does one have to make ghusl in the following case?

I’m confused that should I ‘ve to offer salah during those 2 days or not?

Doubts regarding the coming out of urine drops

Washing the toilet seat

Dealing with Urine Dripping During Ibadaah: To Wash or Not to Wash?

Dealing with Droplet Problem: Implications for Salaah and Underwear Hygiene

Suffering from urine drops

Urinary Dribbling During Salah: Validity of Prayer Questioned

Wearing Ihraam while suffering from a urine problem

Umrah and Ihraam related questions

Wasaawis and doubts

Performing Umrah with Mazi Leakage: 2 Questions Answered

Istinja after reliving oneself

Finding urine drops after performing wudhu