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Answers with Tag: tirmidhi

1. What is the sunnat way of putting on surma?

Veiling around brother-in-law: prioritize in-laws or religious beliefs?

Is it acceptable to believe in horoscopes or are they just predetermined destiny?

Is it sunnat to sit while wearing/taking off shoes and socks?

Can Allahuakbar be said before samiallah and stand straight in qiyam?

Is it permissible to handle alcohol and haram meat while working in a retail supermarket?

What is the method and duration of raising the finger in tashahud?

What is the order of surahs in the Quran and how was it compiled?

Why do Hanafi Mazhab prohibit prawns, mussels, and calamari while other Mazhabs allow all sea food?

Does hijab include niqab and which Quranic verses mention face covering for women?

Can a woman perform Umrah from Tan’eem without a mahram and do Tawaaf and Sa’ay require a mahram?

Is medical insurance permissible in countries like US/Canada where costs are high?

Is it appropriate for women to wear makeup?

How many miles to become a musafir in Shafiee madhab and is it okay to pray full salah?

Is it permissible to go to jihad against parents’ will during current times?