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Answers with Tag: tirmidhi

Do unspoken thoughts or accidental book touches revoke Muslim status?

What does the Hadith about Hasan and Hussain as young leaders in Paradise mean?

Halaq after Umrah for 2 inches of post-chemotherapy hair growth?

How can I stop hair loss according to Quran and Sunnah?

Can you sell cartoon characters you didn’t design and make a profit?

What is the explanation for the calculation that states dreams are 1/46th part of Prophethood?

Scientific term for vinegar alcohol and its difference from shari’ah definition?

Is it allowed in Islam to use the left hand for dhikr?

Can a woman go to Hajj without a mahram but with a group of women?

Are there animals in Jannah, including sheep?

Wearing the Liverpool Football Club Jersy that has the Carlsberg Logo as its Sponsor

Can we leave Masjid when adhan has already been called?

Sleeping after Sexual Relations without taking a Ghusl?

Is Serving Alcohol and the Income gained Haram?

What if an Adult Drank Breast Milk