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Answers with Tag: tirmidhi

What is the ruling regarding cutting the hair for women? If it is allowed, then how short can she cut it?

When I was young I was told that alcohol was haram, the reason being that it intoxicates a person. Making him unaware of the external world, making him loose control of himself and imparing his judgement etc. I have friends who, like many youngsters are into drugs. Recently after having found one of my most dear friends to be involved in it, really saddened me. Though he was not into some hardcore drugs, he was into marijuana or ‘weed’ as it’s commonly known. I tried to stop him but he inturn told me things like…the scientific proof of it not being an addictive substance and also of it not being haram. He said it is nowhere written that its haram. But my explanation was that it was something that makes a person unaware of what is going on and the persons brain is slowed down etc…but since I myself dint know much about the matter I could do nothing. Brother I want to know if marijuana or anyother drugs are haram in Islam, so that I could provide my friend with a suitable answer.

Gold, Silver & other types of Rings for Men

Is Divorce Pronounced During Sleep Valid in Islam?

Rules Regarding Equal Treatment of Wives

Using of Amulets (ta’wizes).

Is is Important to Marry within the Family

Do Certain Stones and Diamonds have an Effect.

Is there any Du’aa that may be recited for a young girl wishing to marry and not receiving proposals?

Regarding the best times for making dua

I am seeking guide lines for the employment /contract of Mueazin to be employed. What are the terms and condition of employment.

Can I make this duā?

Is it permissible to use the special benefits of a sim card?

When I was in the mosque in Montreal, one of the khetba was ended with a dua..One of the dua included to seek protection from the punishment of Hellfire, to Allah (SWT)

I am a married female living with my in-laws i.e. father in-law, mother in-law and my husband’s sister. My husband says I can only cover between my navel and knees in front of them…