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Answers with Tag: tabligh

Is there a problem in isthikhara when it comes to doubt regarding a girl for marriage?

What does my dream of Maulana Tariq Jameel mean?

Is my ex-wife still legally my spouse?

What is the difference between Salafis and traditional scholars of Medina University?

What did the dream of Nabi Sallallaho Alaih Wasallam giving you zyarat mean?

Will my daughter’s nikah be valid after I go on 40 days of Jamat?

Is it necessary to go to tabligh jamah if one is already fulfilling their fardh and giving dawah?

Did I make a mistake by not fulfilling my father’s wish to be buried in Mumbai?

What is the meaning of “Aaquib” & is it ok to call myself Mohammed Aaquib?

Should I keep donating to tabligh despite disliking its workers?

What does the dream of Prophet (SAW) pointing his finger at the dreamer signify?

Is it correct to pray witr in Isha with 2 rakahs followed by 1 rakah with takbir-e-tahrima?

Can we eat halal-stamped non-veg in Saudi despite avoiding restaurants?

Does my mother and wife give me permission to go on a 4 month or 40 day Dawat Tabligh?

Nikaah breaking through the husband becoming murtad