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Answers with Tag: sunnah

Sunnah Way of Entering home

Girls Learning Horseback riding as Sunnah

Talking while eating

Eating after Fajr prayer on 2nd & 3rd day of Eid ul Adha

Method of Getting Rid of Jin, Shaytan and Other Makhluq

Magic( jadoo) destroying marriage

Food from Bride’s Family in Gathering for Nikah

Is it Sunnah to sit and eat?

The entire creation prays for those who preach good

Authenticity of a du’a to recite when discharging Zakah

Benefits of using a miswak

Another Hadith on the importance of the two Sunnah rak’ahs of Fajr

Wearing pants while sitting

The world is three days

Sunnah method of applying ‘itr/fragrance?