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Answers with Tag: sunnah

Intention for tahajjud prayers   


Can I simply respond to the adhan at once?  

There have been accusations that Imam al-Hakim was “Shia” or “Rafidi”, whil

RE: Proofs for sunnah muakkada 

Is it permissible to dig graves for non-Muslims?

The Sunna as Primordiality

Is it recommended or required to use water for istinja? If required, how much water is required

Can one give gifts that one has received due to lack of need, dislike, or lack of funds to affo

How Hanafi men hold their hands in prayers: why?

Reciting After the Fatiha in the Third or Fourth Rakat of Obligatory Prayers

The Obligatory Prayer: Not Reciting the Fatiha in the Final two Rakats

Is it wrong to say that Habib Ali Jifry looks like the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and

Wudu Problems for Married Couples

Breaking voluntary fasts when one didn’t wake up for suhur