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Answers with Tag: sunnah

Procedure on how to make Wudhu and ghusl

What is the Sunnah method of wearing a ring for men?

Can a Muslim live in a place that legalizes and state sponsors homosexuality?

What are the sunnahs of the house warming event?

What are the rulings concerning the hair, beard, and mustache

Is Waleema only Masnnon and permissible after SUHBAT ?

Confusion about making du`a before reading sunnah.

Sunnah of keeping a beard.

I gave interest money as sadaqah to my relatives. May I accept daawats from them?

Do we have to perform Qadha for Sunnah Prayers?

Accidentally shaving beard

Is there a special virtue for day of Hajji day of arafat being on Friday day and can it be equal to 7 hajjs?

Error in intention (Hajj)

Which acts are allowed in the sahn of a Masjid?

Can I marry a hindu woman?