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Answers with Tag: slaughter

Blood Transfusion and Organ Transplants

Is the Home Purchase Plan offered by the Islamic Bank of Britain permissible?

Is soy lecithin halal?

Is it wajib (compulsory) upon women to recite the Takbīrāt al-tashrīq?

Can you please enumerate the swords of the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam?

Qurbani is fardh on my wife.  If I buy the animal for her (as a gift), will her obligation be discharged? Does she necessarily have to use her own money? She feels that she has to withdraw her own money?

Are receivables considered when calculating one’s eligibility for performing Qurbani?

Mechanical slaughter & stunning

Leaving tasmiya intentionally

Not Cutting Hair and Nails During First Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah

Supermarket Zabiha?

Meat in the West

Which parts of animal are haram

Whey Powder

Stunning the animal