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Answers with Tag: slaughter

If a lady is on her menses throughout Ramadhan because of delivery of baby , is it compulsary for her to make up the missed fasts OR can she opt to give kaffara

My Haj will be Hajj e Tamattu — Either at Makkah Mukarma I would be MUQEEM or MUSAFIR ?

Performing qurbani for deceased relatives (Eid) Is it permisable to perform qurbani on behalf of dead relative etc?

Muslims have been permitted to mary a noble woman of “people of the book”, in the same sura, Muslims are prohibited from making friends with “ansaar and yahood

Can you please mention a hadith or quranic verse specifying that non-zabeeha meat is haram ?

In my state in the US there is a larger controversy over whether chicken is Halal or not.

Can I have some information on Organ Transplants in Islam and the Islamic perspective on transplants?

Query in respect to the Disposal of Blood by abattoirs & slaughterers of animals slaughtered.

What is the ruling about eating the stomach (Ojrhi) of goats, cows and hens is it makroah e tehrimi or makroah e tanzihi (HANAFI maslak)

Question about consuming doubtful Chicken in a European Country…Halal is stated on the cartons of these chickens. ‘Is it ok to believe the Muslim shop keeper and consume the chicken’.

I was shocked recently when I heard of the news that an American was beheaded by some Iraqis and this was shown on video to the whole world!!

After Hajj If a person leaving makha without performing tawafe wada and if he he is living in SAUDI ARABIA, so what he can do now. (He left Makha because he don’t know tawafe wada obligatory)

Are there any restrictions to what we’re allowed to eat of the sheep or bull that we slaughter for Qurbani/Aqeeqah?

Mcdonals,taco bell,etc.Is the nonzabiha food haram?I heard only hanafi fiqh says it is but people say that all 4 madhabs say it is haram.Can you give me proof from all 4 madhabs saying its haram?

Is it taqwa to abstain from the chicken meat that was stunned by electric shock, even though it stays alive till slaughter?