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Answers with Tag: shaving

Advice to stop shaving?

Can men use electric shavers for pubic hair instead of razor blades?

Can minors trim/shave their private parts?

Can you use aftershave?

Is Unilever’s ‘All Clear Shampoo’ HALAAL?

Assala mu alaikum Mufti Sahab Can you please Explain me the Above Hadith? Is Shaving here related to Beard?

I know that keeping a beard is wajib but what if you have a skin disorder which causes itchy and flaky red skin under the beard.

The THREADING of eyebrows have become a common practice among muslim females. Is the removing of the eyebrows(with the use of cotton)permitted in islam?

I am a young Muslim. I fear Allah and want to have a beard. My Parents oppose me and I am confused, if I can oppose them in this. I fear Allah, lest He should hold me responsible for any of these acts (Shaving or disobeying parents).

Imam, i require more information on the shaving of the baby’s hair at birth, is this fardh? if possible kindly quote the relevant verse…

I was recently told that plucking your eyebrows is allowed as long as you do not remove a single line of hair. Does this mean one can remove stray and untidy hairs to neaten the eyebrows?