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Answers with Tag: shaving

Sunnah & Fiqh of Hair

Mistakes during hajj- ramal, ihram

What is the Ruling of Shaving One’s Mustache in the Hanafi School?

The Fiqh of Certain Hairstyles

Women Shaving?

Which part of the privates does one have to shave?

I was browsing through your answers but did not find the answer to my question. I am 18 years old and want to grow out my beard. However, when I do not shave, my facial hair takes a very long time to grow, and when it does come out it is curly and scraggly. My mother tells me to shave and I will not be punished as I am doing it so that my beard will grow fuller (which I am now doing.) Is this allowed if the intention is not to disobey or aesthetic, but instead to grow a more legitimate beard?

Shaking Hands With the Opposite Sex Is Haram, & The Importance of Holding On To One’s Deen

Is it permissible for men to shave their heads if it is for comfort and ease?

What is the ruling on the fade haircut?

Prayer with Blood

What is the ruling of trimming the beard in the Shafi’i school?

Disposing of blood, hair, nails, skin

Shaving one’s head

What Acts Are Recommended After Giving Birth to a Child?