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Answers with Tag: Shafi

What is the view of the Ahlus Sunnah on the soul returning after death?

If Ibn Hajar Asqalani (among others) approved off the mawlid celebration, how can anyone in later times say it is impermissible? Was Ibn Hajar simply wrong?

Is Javed Ahmad Ghamidi an authentic scholar and should I listen to his lectures?

What is proof of الصحابة كلهم عدول

Snapchat is prohibited along with Skype?

Can a Shafi (mazur) lead a Hanafi in prayer

Recommended books in English

Is it permissible to work for a company that gets paid by banks for meeting their recruitment needs?

What kind of clothing should a woman wear?

Beginning Time of Isha

Can I trim my beard for it to look neat and what is the ruling on sea foods; prawns, calamari?

Ruling for Salat-ul-Jumu’ah when Salat-ul-Id had been performed earlier in the day.

Is it permissible to pray two salah in single time?

Links to good detailed books on Shafi’ee Fiqh

What is the Hanafi view on eating kidneys etc and joining prayers?