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Answers with Tag: Shafi

Keeping the beard at one fist length

Deobandi Curriculum: Hanafi Fiqh and Other Madhaahib

Following the Hanafi Mazhab in a place where the majority follow the Shafi’ee Mazhab

Praying Asr in Shafi time

Is it permissible for a Hanafi to perform Salah behind a Shaafi Imam in Shaafi time?

What is the proof against those who say that wiping [masah] over regular socks is permissible?

Is female genital mutilation allowed in islam which is practised in many countries in Africa?

Are the Ahadith of Sahih Ibn Khuzaimah Sahih?

Is the Wudhu still valid after consuming camel’s meat?

Is Tasawwuf Shirk?

Is there any Hadith stating “love your country in which you live”

The term في سبيل الله in the Quran – Does it refer to Jihad or Tabligh?

Why is the Friday khutba in Arabic?

What are the ways of committing shirk except directly associating anything else with Allah?

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