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Answers with Tag: Salaah

Making up (Qadha) of Salaahs missed in a state of unconsciousness

Making Tayammum whilst hiking

Making up for missed (Qadha) Qurbani

Making Ghusal with wax on ones body

Making Masah over a plaster

Making Salaam after the Imaam finishes making Salaam in Salaah

Leading the Taraweeh Salaah whilst sitting on a chair

Leaving ones hands loose on ones side before finishing the Qiraat in Salaah

Keeping ones business open at the time of Jumuah

Is there Ghusal and Janaazah Salaah for a stillborn child and does a it have to be given a name? 

Is there any sin for not memorizing a large portion of the Quran? 

Is the vomit of a new-born baby impure? 

Is the saliva and sweat of a dog impure? 

Is the fast of Ramadaan valid if one was unconscious for the duration of the fast? 

Is the Azaan valid if it is played via a recording?