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Answers with Tag: repent

Forgiveness of Allah Ta’āla in regards to backbiting

What happens on the Day of Judgment if a Muslim wrongs a non-Muslim and how does one seek forgiveness for backbiting others?

My father told me if you marry her, I will give poison to the whole family and also shoot you on your forehead.

My daughter has gratification disorder and doctors say it is common. What should I do?

I regret rejecting the boy’s proposal

Can i please know how can I get my Imaan strong enough to overcome these habits?

What if drugs are making me more spiritual?

What is the punishment for insulting the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)?

I made promise with Allah that I will only marry with my cousin

Is she Halaal for me in marriage? Is there a way to completely eradicate the thoughts of her past misdeed from my head?

Can I abort my child that I became pregnant with out of wedlock?

Is my current Nikah valid?

I cannot get along with my mother. What should I do?

Is it permissible to have sexual intercourse if i suspect my period is stopped or ending before the usual

Question regarding Qadha Salah and Fast