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Answers with Tag: repent


It is haraam (strictly prohibited) to take an interest loan to purchase a house or to run a business

My question is what should my grandmother do to ease her guilt

Is it permissible to break ones fast after embarking on a journey?

I am desperate. Can I take an interest-based home loan?

Marriage without witnesses

A Muslim writes a Question based on Imaan

Loan from a Bank

Can you prove that seeking forgiveness [istighfar] and conveying reward of deeds is an established practice and not a bi’dah?

I want to repent from sins

Zakaat of previous years

Lip Reading in Videos: Is it Eavesdropping?

Having relation in the state of haidh

Watching Movies with Religious References: Is it Kufr for Muslims?

Istighfar Salah: Surahs and Zikr/Tasbeeh to Recite