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Answers with Tag: relationship

Is covering the body a condition for the validity of wudhu?

How to repay a person for a stolen Item ?

My mother does not allow me to keep the Sunnah beard

My mother does not let me don the Sunnah clothing

Can a Girl talk/chat with Non-Mahram guys?

Self-proclaimed grand Mufti of America, Mf Muneer Akhoon

Consuming the food of Shi’ah

Avoiding problematic relatives

I am involved in a haram relationship, how can I terminate it?

Bequest (wasiyyah) of 7.5% for water wells and 10% for Masjid

What can I do to marry a girl whom I love?

Bad dream after Istikhara for marrying a girl who recently converted

How do i get married?

Avoiding relatives that cause harm

Khula related