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Answers with Tag: Qurbani

Who Should I Give Eid Sacrifice Meat To?

Are the qurbani age requirements in animals also necessary for consumption and sadaqah?

Can 1 Qurbani suffice for the entire household?

Qurbani and aqeeqa

What shall one do if the qurbani animal happens to be pregnant?

Qurbani overseas – valid ikhtilaf amongst muftis

Price of commodity not agreed upon

Is qurbani wajib upon me and my family?

Nisab of Qurbani

It is permissible for an airhostess to do qurbani with her income?

Person A is getting Qurbani animals from Person B on the insistence of Person B to buy from him. After the Qurbani animals have been delivered, only then is the price given at whatever rate Person B demands. No price is fixed or discussed before hand. Is such a transaction valid according to Sharia? 

Qadhaa of ‘udhiyah

Giving away Qurbani money to a brother in need

Qurbani on 10th Muharram

Wife doing Qurbani