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Answers with Tag: Qurbani

Fasting Due To Qurbani

Distribution Of Qurbani Meat

Cutting/Clipping Hair/Nails For Someone Doing Qurbani

My wife paid zakat, does she have to take a share in the qurbani as well?

Someone told me that the qurbani sheep we have to rear

Can I send money to another country through Western Union for Qurbani?

Doing Qurbani at another location.

Nisaab in jewels but no cash.

Is it incumbent upon every member of a household to perform a sacrifice?

I missed the opportunity to partake in Qurbani this year.


Can you do Qurbani with a female sheep?

What should be done for those performing Qurbani?

Sharing of meat in Qurbani

It is permissible for a woman to slaughter an animal for kurbani ?