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Answers with Tag: Paradise

Are `Isa And Yahya (Allah be well please with them) Considered Cousins In Islam?

Advice to a Young Cancer Patient

A Guide for Consuming Various Meats, Foods, Alcohol, Animal By-Product Ingredients, and Cosmetics

72 Virgins for Martyrs: Making Sense of One of the Rewards of Paradise

Scholars, Students of Sacred Knowledge and Poverty

Question: If the Devil (shaytan) was cast out of Heaven after refusing to bow down to Adam and refusing to show him respect, how is it that he was able to tempt Adam in heaven into disobeying Allah?

Moving the Dead from His Grave

Despair Not of God’s Grace

Christians in the Hereafter!!

1)What is the difference between a Molana, Molvi, Ulama and a Mufti? 2)Are there any other religious scholars which I haven’t stated if so please state

How do you know if you’re a true Believer or not?

Please provide the Du’aas that will ensure that my family AND the rest of my progeny (Nasl) until Qiyamat will live and die on Imaan and be provided True Guidance by Allah S.W.T.

I have a query regarding a troublesome relative. he says things to purposely annoy and ridicule me. know that in Islam we should not cut ties with our relatives

Women of this world will be more beautiful then the hoors …no one ever seems to provide the hadith for proof

Aadam (Alayhi-Salaam) ate the forbidden fruit, but the Qur’an explains all the Ambiya were sinless was this not a sin?