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Answers with Tag: Menses

The person wants to know if they can marry another man after making Khula

Is it valid if one text his wife three divorces?

Does Tawaf for Umrah Compensate for the Missed Tawaf of Ifadah ?

Ruling on Allocating a Section of the Mosque for Teaching the Quran

I`tikaaf: Types and Nullifiers

A Person is Ritually Pure unless Certain otherwise

Ruling and Expiation for having Intercourse with Wife during Menstruation

A Woman may Listen to Quran during Menses and Janabah

Divorce during Menstrual Period is Effective

Delayed Making up Missed Fasts of Ramadan

It is Forbidden for a Ceremonially Impure Person, a Woman in Post-Natal Bleeding and Menses to Stay in the Mosque

Recites Quran during Menstruation for being Ashamed from Teacher

Blood Discharged during Menstruation Period Indicates its Continuity

Woman in Menses is Obliged to Make up Missed Fasts and no Expiation is Due on her

What is permissible for the husband to do as far as having sex with his wife is concerned?