Home » Posts tagged 'maghrib' (Page 26)

Answers with Tag: maghrib

Is wearing Lunghi Sunnah?

Tasbeehat after Salah

Can a follower of Hanafi Madhab pray Tahyat-ul-masjid in that gap?

Please tell me whether I can recite surae fatiha (in congregation) silently?

Does a woman in istihadhah have to change the sanitary towel?

Joining prayers if Qadha

Various Salah Queries

What time are Duaas accepted on Friday?

Reading Nawaafil after Asr

Procedure for qadha salah

The two rak’ahs after Witr salah

Quran and dhikr will be lifted before Qiyamah

Switching on the lights at Maghrib time

What would Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) open his fast with?

Offering the nafl salah at home