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Answers with Tag: job

Working as an accountant at a casino

Rhinoplasty- nose job

Can one design civil plans? is the income from such a job permissable?

Cheating in exam and salary from job thereafter

IT service provider

Bribery when there is no way but through it

Have I fulfilled my responsibility as a mother?

We performed salah behind someone who ridiculed our Imam. Do we need to repeat our Salah?

Working to sell insurance and recruiting people to work there for a referral commission

I have old debts to pay out from 80’s. I am unable to contact the company to payback. What do I do?

Working on IVR Engine Software for multiple clients etc.

Income from delivering haram pizza

I hand make smoking pipes which are bought for smoking as well as collector’s item. Is my activity permissible?

Is Working as a “Notary Signing Agent” permissible?

Slandering/Gheebat and Buhtan