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Answers with Tag: good character

I want to know that what are the rights of inlaws on a woman in Islam.How should she behave if they treat her badly.

Are believing women the Queens in Jannah?

Women of this world are more beautiful than the Hoors … So can you show this full hadith with reference please?

I am a brother and have a question regarding the MSA committee…what else should I or should not do to avoid committing any kind of sin? Is joining this kind of committee wrong?

3. My friend wants to know if he can Write about non-fiction. he wants to use the concepts of Islam in it and he wants to know if he should go into that field.

If one gets a proposal which is nice but does not contain the qualities one will like…does it mean that Allah will discard us from his blessings…?

My husband uses very abusive language, beats me up and threatens to divorce me every time he is angry and thinks that he can use this as a disciplinary tool. What does Hadith say about this behaviour.

You see what is happening in the world today – in the muslim world, so what advice would you give to the Muslims?

I have a friend (Muslim) but she is not that religious. I am confused if I should stay friends with her forever because this is just worldly friendship.

Marriage proposals to a bearded person

I consider myself a practising Muslimah I have guy friends is keeping some as close friedns affect my proposals?

I’m the only Muslim in my school and am forced to take the kafr as friends, how should my relationship be towards them, is it permisible to be their friend?

The person in masjid said “its allowed to eat normal meat except pork in western countries scince its not a muslim country” is it true?

Q1 Am I living in sin if i dont love my husband.Q2 Will i still have to be his wife in the hereafter.

TV sisters husband not praying salaah…My dad says that Maulana so and so keeps the TV in his house to watch the news so its allowed. What do I tell Them?