I am a brother and have a question regarding the MSA committee I am going to be a part of this coming year in September at my University. I did my Isthikarah (about 2 months ago because that is when the committee was decided), and my heart told me to join this committee. However, I wanted to ask, because I might have to interact and communicate with sisters, how I should communicate without committing sin. I know if I have to talk about MSA issues to them, I should keep my gaze down. But what else should I or should not do to avoid committing any kind of sin? Is joining this kind of committee wrong? I also wanted to ask is helping and giving charity to non-muslims allowed?
Jazakallah for the question which you have submitted to the institute.
You ask about joining the MSA and interaction with women whilst you are involved in the work of this association. Alhamdoelillah, you have been endowed with a concern for Haya (modesty) and insha’allah you will continue to be aware of this great trait which should exist in every Muslim’s character.
I am aware of the dedication of the students who get involved in the work of the MSA and also understand the difficulties one experiences due to the lack of separation of the sexes during the functioning of these associations. Since you are living in a predominantly kuffar country, it is important for students who have the knowledge and concern for Deen to become involved at Universities and school to create a greater awareness of how Muslims are expected to conduct themselves. Alhamdoelillah, many Muslim students who paid little attention to their imaan found their way back to the correct practice of deen through the work of the MSA. There is also the need for the work of dawwah and alhamdoelillah, many reverts have found deen through the effort of students like you.
You are obviously going to interact with other students, both male and female. Allow me to suggest that when you have to interact with females, do so in a group, avoid being alone with a female student, stick to the topics in discussion and avoid petty chit chat and silly jokes. Adopt a tone of voice which is business like but not rude nor haughty. Accept and give instructions or communicate with gentle manners. I guess others will respond to you in terms of how you present yourself and your need to maintain the Islamic injunctions of modesty between men and women. An idea could be also to let it be known through talks you give ( the importance of haya) and the way you conduct yourself (that you appreciate it if female students approach you only when necessary, in groups and at appropriate times). Telephonic conversations could also be limited to “musts” and to the workings of the association. These are only my suggestions. As you fit into the work and day to day running of the association, you will develop your own way of dealing with issues that come up. Keep yourself engaged in zikr constantly as you go about your life at the varsity as this is one sure way of keeping shaitaan and his evil influence away from you.
You also ask if it is permissible to assist non-Muslims. Yes, by all means, do show kindness to them. After all they too are Allah Ta’ala’s creations. This is also an opportunity to make dawaah. The kindness, humility and good character which they see on the part of the Muslims is dawaah itself. (Do remember it is not permissible to give zakaat and fitra money to non-Muslims).
May Allah Ta’ala guide and assist you in your endeavor to serve HIS deen and may HE protect your imaan. Ameen.
and Allah Ta’ala Knows Best