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Answers with Tag: education

I decided to divorce you if you enrol for a masters program

Are examination fees and scholarships gambling?

Creating a platform for people to sell home cooked food; evading income tax

Loaning money to a friend for auditioning for modeling and acting

Who should be employed for a post in the government?

Woman Studying at a University

Zakat and Asr Hanafi time

Husband mistreating the wife

Risalatun noor of Sheikh Sayeed nursi

Parents wants her to get married to a Syed only

Should I study in order to earn a living, will I get whatever is destined in taqdeer for me?

Is it permissable to wear a White gold watch?

Can my parents give money to my eldest brother in their lifetime?

I have committed zina multiple times.

I am depressed. I want to get married but hurdles keep coming my way