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Answers with Tag: chastity

What does the Bible say about God’s preference for male messengers?

What is the validity of working women?

Is it permissible for my husband to chat with other girls online after marriage?

How can I stop talking to a male friend who I have known for 3 years, and is a non-Muslim, without hurting his feelings?

Can 18-year-olds have a nikah without parents’ consent?

Wasawis: Satanic Whispers?

Hijab: Covering Head, Wearing Overcoat

Can a woman travel alone?

Would it be haram to tell the older sister that you like the younger sister? -How to propose to a girl

Should we say salaam to Muslim women at the workplace?

Please advise me regarding my son who wants to marry a Christian girl?

Leaving children with kafir grandparents

In this society, young kids (15-18) are looked down upon for wanting to get married. They have to be doctors and 30 years old to get married. I was wondering, since youth have a very big test, can we go to a girl that and accept her as our “slave” (with her permission) and have secret intercourse with her without telling anyone?

Eyebrows & Hair Removal

Wife asking for a divorce. In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.