Home » Posts tagged 'authenticity'

Answers with Tag: authenticity

Placing Hands Below the Navel

Is the Hadith about the Islamic months being posted on Facebook authentic?

What is the difference between Ahl e Hadees and Ghair Muqallideen? Is “Thaqwiyathul Eeman” by Moulavi Ismail Shaheed authentic and can one peruse the writings of Moulana Ibthisam Ilahi Zaheer Sahib?

The Meaning of the Hadith That the Prophet SAW Attempted Suicide

Should I Cut Ties with my Grandfather for Abandoning Traditional Schools of Law?

Should I Stick to One School of Thought or Become a Ghayr-Muqallid?

Is the Complete Testification of Faith Anywhere in the Quran and Hadith?

Removing dirt from the Masjid is the dowry for the damsels of Jannah

Reasoning behind Takbeer of Tashreeq

The Du’a of a Haji

80 Durood after Asr on Friday

80 Durood on Friday

May I Follow Alternative Positions for My Worship?

What Is the Difference between Sunna and Hadith?

Can Our Masjid Delay the Congregational ‘Asr Prayer to Accommodate the Hanafis?