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Answers with Tag: Argument

Response to the article in Huffington Post by Ingrid Mattson, ‘What’s up with Muslims and dogs.’

Our family has broken apart, what is your advice?

I have giving my wife three divorces sarcastically without any intention. Does the divorce take place?

Would it be permissible for an unmarried man to use frozen sperm cells to have children with his wife?

I am experiencing marital disputes and physical abuse. I cannot take it anymore and now I am considering divorce. Please advise me.

Is a sister’s husband mahram?

I have fallen in love with a girl, how do I perform Salaat al-Istikhara for marriage?

Is this divorce certificate issued by an Islamic judge valid?

1) During an argument with my wife I said her that go away, leave me, ….Has the talaaq happened? 2) I said my wife that if she will not keep relation my family then I will give you divorce. Where this stands?

Is it Islamic for a muslim woman to rain curses or abuse her husband whenever they have argument?

My husband is loving and caring, but when it comes to the topic of salah he intentionally neglects it. And if I keep on advising him on salah and remind him he get angry about it.

I thought A’raaf was the place where those who’s good and bad deeds were equal go, and eventually they are admitted into Jannah. In the article it mentions quite a few other people, including children.

Hi. My boyfriend is Muslim & I am a Christian. We have been talking about marriage & therefore I have a few questions. First he said that we do not need to have an Islam marriage, that a civil one would be enough. Later though he said that just how I want to have a Christian marriage…

I had a few questions regarding some scenarios I face at the musallah at work.

This question regards my parents who have had problems in their marriage since the start. My father has a second wife and has children with her, and that is one cause for their rift. My father has not come home to my mom’s house for 2 years now due to a major argument.