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Answers with Tag: Abu Dawud

The importance of settling debts or arranging for it to be settled before one passes away

Using medical treatments and medication

The martyrs souls have been placed into green birds

Prohibition against selling an item before taking possession

A brief biography of Yahya ibn Ma’in

Trials that will occur before the coming of Dajjal

Are Hadiths narrated by Sukayn ibn ‘Adbil ‘Aziz found in As Sunnanul Arba’h?

Du’a when undergoing any difficulty or suffering

Authenticity of the narration regarding Mu’awiyah’s (radiyallahu ‘anhu) conversion to Islam

A du’a to recite four times in the morning or evening

Difference between ذر and نملة

People will remain on good as long as they do not delay Maghrib

A person will be cast into Jahannam together with the haram wealth he spent in avenues of good

The Hadith narrator; Qutaybah ibn Sa’id

Imam Abu Dawud’s (rahimahullah) book; Al Marasil