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Did the Prophet only Keep His Beard for 14 days?

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Shafiifiqh.com



My dad was told by an Imam that the prophet Muhammad SAW kept his beard only for 14 days; is it true? Do any shafi’i books say so or do any Qadri silsla agree with the opinion of the above Imam? please let me know ASAP as i feel my father is wrongly lead by some Imam who claims he is from Shafi school of thought.

thank you very much


Wa alaykum salam wa rahmatuLlahi wa barakatuHu,

There are many narrations that the Prophet kept his beard continuously. Perhaps the fourteen days were mistaken for what is mentioned in a narration that comes in Imam Tirmidhi’s Shama’il mentioning the gray hairs in the Prophet’s beard to be fourteen in number. (See: Shamail al-Tirmidhi with Ibn Hajar al-Haytami’s commentary, Ashraf al-Wasail ila Fahm al-Shamail, pg. 102)

The number of gray hairs on the Prophet’s beard varies according to different narrations. In some narrations the number is fourteen, in others seventeen, in others eighteen, while still in others twenty. Perhaps, the different numbers of gray hairs reported is due to the different times that Companions observed him. (See Previous Ref.) The progression of the Prophet’s age and mission would allow more gray hairs to appear on his blessed beard. This would also indicate to us that he surely had kept a beard for more than two weeks.

Additionally, Amr b. Hurayth relates that the Prophet would touch his beard in prayer. (al-Sunan al-Kubra 2/249) And, Khabbab narrates that the Prophet’s beard would move when he prayed; and in that, the Companions could identify that he recited during inaudible prayers. (Sahih Ibn Hibban 5/134) Anas b. Malik relates an account of the Prophet praying for rain. In the narration, he mentions that the Prophet had a beard. (Sahih al-Bukhari with Fath al-Bari 2/603-04)

Furthermore, Anas b. Malik relates that the Prophet would make takhlil [running of the fingers through the beard] of his beard when performing ablution. (Sunan Abi Dawud 41 #145) Other Companions reported the Prophet’s making takhlil of his beard, like Uthman b. Affan (Sunan al-Tirmidhi 1/120 #31) and Ammar b. Yasir. (Ibid 1/119 #29) Imam Tirmidhi mentions others as well, such as Aishah, Umm Salamah, Ibn Abi Awfa, and Abu Ayyub. (Ibid) The fact that so many Companions narrate this from the Prophet clearly establishes that he had a beard. The narration’s wording is:

كان يخلل لحيته

“He would make takhlil of his beard.”

The Prophet’s grandson Hasan, radiya Allahu ‘anhu, was born around the second year after Hijrah. (Taqrib al-Tahdhib 162) Hakim relates, on the authority of Abu Hurayrah, an occasion where Hasan was sitting in the lap of the Prophet and put his fingers into his blessed beard. This would be a recorded incident that would have probably taken place in Hasan’s early childhood. (Mustadarak 3/201 #4856)

Tabarani relates that the Prophet had a beard on the occasion of Sad b. Muadh’s funeral. (al-Mujam al-Kabir 6/9 #5331) It is mentioned that the Prophet was weeping and tears were falling onto his most blessed beard. Sa’ad was wounded by an arrow during the battle of Khandaq and later passed away from his injuries. Hafiz Ibn Hajar mentions that he passed away in the year 5 AH, just about a month after the battle. (al-Isabah fi Tamyiz al-Sahabah 3/86) Khandaq took place in Shawwal.

Moreover, Bukhari relates mention of the Prophet’s beard at the time of Hudaybiyah. (Sahih 2/256 #2734) Hubaybiyah was in Dhu al-Qadah of the year 6 AH.

Between Khandaq and Hudaybiyah, about one year would have elapsed; on both occasions the Prophet had a beard. Perhaps other examples from the Prophetic life-story could be found, showing us other events in the Prophet’s life where his beard is mentioned. The Prophet having a beard continuously throughout his most blessed life is established.

Perhaps, the person who informed your father had mistaken the figure of fourteen gray hairs for fourteen days. Insha’Allah, it would be fitting and proper to correct that individual’s mistake, especially before he passes it on to others. It should also be noted that the narrations specific to the number of gray hairs are for both his noble head and blessed beard.

The practice of the Prophet was to keep a beard; that was also his advice for us, like where he said:

خالفوا المشركين وفروا اللحى وأحفوا الشوارب

“Be different from the polytheists, leave the beards and cut the moustaches.”

And Allah knows best.

Shafiifiqh.com Fatwa Dept.

This answer was collected from Shafiifiqh.com which was a repository of Islamic answers as per the Shafi’i madhhab. The website no longer functions. At its peak, many ‘ulama were involved with the site including Shaykh Mawlana Taha Karaan, Shaykh Abdul-Fattah ibn Abdullah, and Shaykh AbdurRagman Khan.

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