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How can I increase my love for the Prophet-may Allah bless him and give him peace?

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed

How can I increase my love for the Prophet-may Allah bless him and give him peace?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Being realized in the love of the Prophet – may Allah bless him and give him peace – is a great station that every Muslim should aspire to. You can increase your love by doing the following:

First: You should be steadfast in doing what he ordered and refraining from what he forbade. If you do not obey him, you can not dream of increasing your love for him – may Allah bless him and give peace.

Second: You should carefully observe his sunnahs (states) in acts of worship such as prayer and fasting, as well as his way of performing everyday activities such as dressing, eating, sleeping and dealing with people.

Third: You should constantly recite the blessings and prayer upon him – may Allah bless him and give him peace – while making earnest and sincere Du‘a to Allah to deepen your love for him-may Allah bless him and give him peace- and ask Him to let you see the Prophet- may Allah bless him and give him peace- in your sleep. It is also recommended to read a book on the meanings, the forms, the benefits as well as the rewards of saying the blessings and prayer upon the Prophet – may Allah bless him and give peace. For example: “Addurr il-Mndood fi s-Salati ‘ala Sahib il-Maqam il-Mahmood,” by Imam Ibn Hajar al-Haytami.

Fourth: you should read the books which illustrate his physical description, character traits and spiritual states. Examples of such books are:

1- “Ash-Shama‘il al-Muhammadiyah” (The Mohammedan goodly traits) by Imam at-Tirmithi,

2- “Ash-Shifa of Qadi ‘Iyad” (m. This book has been translated into English by Aisha Bewley).

3- “Al-Qasida il-Hamziyyah” (The Hamza rhyming poem) by Imam al-Busayri, and the commentary on it by Imam ibn Hajar al-Haytami.

4- “Mohammad Rasool ul-laah” by the Hadith scholar, sheikh Abdullah Siraj id-Deen.

These are just examples of the great number of books on the Prophet – may Allah bless him and give him peace. Some calculated these books to reach 30 thousands.

Fifth: You should read and listen to the recitation of the Prophetic eulogies (m. poems praising the Prophet) composed by his lovers – may Allah bless him and give peace. Among the best of these numerous poems which increase one’s longing for the Prophet- may Allah bless him and give him peace- is the “Burda” by Imam al-Busayri. It is also recommended to read a commentary on the “Burda” like that of the scholar Ibraheem al-Bajoori.

Sixth: You should visit him – may Allah bless him and give him peace-in his mosque. For visiting his grave has a tremendous impact on deepening one’s love and attachment to him – may Allah bless him and give him peace. Only he who is deprived of the good would deny this.

Seventh: You should sit with the lovers of the Prophet- may Allah bless him and give peace- in sessions in which the predominant subject is the Prophetic noble characters, his good qualities, and the stories of his lovers – may Allah bless him and give peace. This will increase the longing and please the heart.

Amjad Rasheed

(Translated by Abu Muhammad Rahil)

السؤال: كيف أزدادُ حباً برسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ؟ الجواب : التحققُ بحبِّ النبيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم مقامٌ عظيمٌ ، الأصلُ أنْ يطمع فيه كلُّ مسلمٍ ، ويكون الطريقُ إليه بأمور : أولاً : لزومُ متابعته صلى الله عليه وسلم فيما جاء به من الفرائض بالقيام بها والمنهيات باجتنابها ؛ فلا يطمع الشخص في زيادة حبه للنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إذا لم يتقن هذه المتابعة . ثانياً : الاعتناءُ بتطبيق سننه صلى الله عليه وسلم في جميع أحواله من العبادات كالصلاة والصوم والعادات كاللباس والأكل والنوم ومعاملة الناس . ثالثاً : كثرةُ الصلاة عليه صلى الله عليه وسلم خصوصاً في يومي الخميس والجمعة ، مع الإلحاح والإخلاص في الدعاء إلى الله تعالى بأن يحقق فيك حب النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ويزيده مع طلب رؤيته في المنام . ويحسن قراءة كتاب في معنى وصيغ وفوائد وفضائل الصلاة على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ومن ذلك كتاب “الدر المنضود في الصلاة والسلام على صاحب المقام المحمود” للإمام ابن حجر الهيتمي . رابعاً : القراءةُ في كتب العلماء التي اعتنت بجمع وشرح شمائله وصفاته وأحواله وأخلاقه صلى الله عليه وسلم ، ومن ذلك كتاب “الشمائل المحمدية” للإمام الترمذي ، و”الشفا في تعريف حقوق المصطفى صلى الله عليه وسلم” للإمام القاضي عياض ، و قصيدة الهمزية للإمام البوصيري وشرحها لابن حجر الهيتمي ، و”محمد رسول الله” للعلامة المحدث الشيخ عبد الله سراج الدين وغيرها كثير ؛ إذ جمع بعضُهم عددَ ما كُتب عنه صلى الله عليه وسلم فبلغ قريبَ الثلاثين ألفَ مؤلَّف . خامساً : قراءةُ وسماعُ المدائح النبوية التي نظمها المحبُّون له صلى لله عليه وسلم فإنها تزيد الشوق إليه ، والمدائحُ كثيرةٌ جداً من أبدعها ” البردة ” للإمام البوصيري ، ويجدر قراءة شرحٍ لها كشرح العلامة إبراهيم الباجوري. سادساً : زيارتُه صلى الله عليه وسلم والصلاةُ في مسجده فإنَّ لذلك أثراً عظيماً في زيادة محبته والتعلق به صلى الله عليه وسلم لا ينكره إلا محروم . سابعاً : مجالسةُ المحبين له صلى الله عليه وسلم بحيث يغلب على أهل المجلس الكلامُ في شمائله ومحاسنه صلى الله عليه وسلم وما وقع للمحبين من أحوال، فيزداد بذلك الشوقُ ويسعَدُ الفؤاد . أسأله سبحانه تيسيرَ طريق المحبة له تعالى ولرسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم وتحقيقَ ذلك فينا ، آمين . 

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