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The Imam Prayed SIX Rakaat of Zuhr instead of Four

How to know if a Deceased is in Janaabah

Giving 3 Talaq but Intending 1 with Emphasis

Should the Deceased’s Braces be Removed?

Returning Home Unexpectedly

Haram Income

Where did the Different Sects come from?

A Doctor who Cheated in his University Exams to get a Degree

Stopping Someone From Walking in front of you in Salah – Hanafi

Can Tafseer be done by a Person who is not a Scholar?

Making Collective Dua Before Walimah Meal

Missing a Fardh Action Behind the Imaam

Looking for an Islamic alternative of conventional mortgage

Definition of the Islamic Day

Ruling for keeping shares in companies that fluctuate between halal and haram