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Will Itikaf at Home Be Sunnat or Nafl for Men

When Would a Wife Iddah Period Finish if She Has Been Given a Talaq Baain

Is It Permissible to Invest in Stocks?

Is Cuttlefish Ink Halal

Sensory Processing Disorder and Tayammum

Is It Permissible to Do a Television Wall Mounting Job

Is It Permissible to Cremate Dead Animals

Would It Be Allowed to Pray Salah With a Skull Picture on Your Shirt?

Manzil Financing

Is It Permissible to Work In Real Estate?

Do Blood Transfusions Break the Fast?

What is the Minimum Number of People needed in a Jama’ah (Congregation)?

Will Salaah Be Valid if One Breaks Social Distancing Laws to Pray in Congregation?

Neighbours Praying Eid Salah with the Road Seperating them

Giving Zakat to a Muazzin who has More than the Nisaab